Thursday, December 12, 2013

A punch and a hug.

Normally I guess first posts are reserved for introducing the writer and all that jazz. 

But one of the many reasons I started this blog was so that my good friend Camilla could have something to read that gave some insight into my life. She's currently spending a year in the States. You can read all about her exciting new life on her blog–except no, you can't, because it's password protected. Ah well. You'll have to take my word for it.

Camilla, I did what you told me to! Punch and Hug were both hanging out on Torget during biology revision back on Tuesday, so I gathered them together and told them I had a message to give. Hug giggled and told me to give you a hug back from him. Punch gave his typical "I can't believe this"-look and told me to thank you and said that "he was glad you haven't changed." He called your relationship dynamic "cute", and I told him you probably wouldn't describe it that way. He laughed. I didn't punch him very hard, I'm afraid.

You now owe me. Be warned.

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